new parents play with their six month old baby on a bed
a six month old baby lies on his back and looks at the camera
a mom lifts her 6 month old son while his dad looks on
a mom kisses her baby son's toes while his dad looks on
a dad lifts his 6 month old son and kisses him on the head

Newborns sessions are my fav - I can't lie! But sessions around the six month mark are a close second and I'd love to tell you why I think you should consider a session midway through the first year in addition to having newborn and 1st year photos taken.

Reason #1: Babyhood goes by fast

You'll only get 12 months with an infant before they're on the move - so get as much of this sweet, snuggly time captured professionally as you can! Having a few professional shoots before your baby turns one will reveal change while providing them with memories of you that they can't yet make for themselves. Pro tip: multiple sessions can be turned into a beautiful baby book or a progressive print display in your home! I can definitely help you make the most of your photos.

Reason #2: Big personalities

When I was pregnant, a friend told me that I would know my child's disposition by the time they were six months old. I didn't say "NOPE" out loud but my face often betrays my thoughts so I owe her an apology: looking back, this is exactly where I can pinpoint seeing my son's personality today. He wasn't the smiliest baby: he was more of an old soul, more self aware, just as he is today. And its gorgeous to look back on his 6 month pictures, knowing him now and seeing him there too. I think you'll love seeing this someday as well.

Reason #3: Giggles and snuggles

Babies find their laugh and limbs at about 6 months, they're always reaching for their toes and in full monkey mode! It's also a great time to get all the thigh and wrist "chub" well documented before it burns off to the rigors of pulling up and crawling. Once babies gain mobility they want to practice their newfound skills, making snuggly/still photos harder to come by. Six months is great for gummy grins, play and snuggles.

Reason #4: You've grown too

Your baby may have doubled in size since your newborn shoot but a lot has changed for you. I can't tell you where you'll be because a lot can happen in the beginning: jaundice, colic, postpartum depression, sleep deprivation, big feelings and growth spurts in your other children, just to name a few. And all of these things affect how we feel during that first year. But you've got a different handle on things than you did during that newborn shoot for sure. You know how to make your baby smile and coo, you know how to soothe them, if they've started solids you know their favs (and the hilarious no-go's). There's just so much more interaction and knowing between you and your photographer would love to show you what that looks like.

(Clearly, I love photographing parents loving their babies just as much as I love photographing babies themselves!)

Six months is such a playful baby age to capture, you'll never regret having beautiful pictures made together. Schedule them and be sure get in the picture - you'll be surprised how beautiful your everyday moments with your baby are while also making memories to pass down later down the line.

At-home sessions distill the beauty of the love-soaked haze of raising our babies at any age!

a mom and dad and their 6 month old baby are joined by hands
a six month old baby smiles at his parents as they play with him
a six month old baby in overalls holds his dad's hand in order to stay seated on the bed without falling over
parents in the kitchen play with their six month old baby while making him a bottle